What a beautifull Day. Sorry after my strole 2 Mac'ds there i thought i share the fact that its lovely out there
Re: Re: Re: What a beautifull Day. oh goody goody gundrops!!! glad to hear u r ready 4 action again 2nite!!
its a wonderful wonderful day, its sunny, warm, everyone including me is happy as fuck, nope, when its sunny i dont think life could get better. except if there was a 24 hour club. that would be fun. anyone got any thoughts what i should do for sat night (my b-day on mon) (my adult b-day)? need some inspiraTION.
loosy get trollied cos the weather is nice & its ya birfday!!! apart from that dunno where u cud go to get trollied but thats my idea!!
Re: Re: Re: What a beautifull Day. true, true, c u at the meetup my friend, and then there is a party back at mine, ure welcome mate.