Westenders Did any1 else see this show about people from the west end of Newcastle last night? There was a comedian on there who dressed as Jimmy Saville and was walking round the monument telling shite jokes. He than tried to stage a boxing match between 2 chavers using balloons for boxing gloves. They started properly boxing with each other. It was funny as fuck. One of them was on the deck at one point. Geordies on tv make us all look rough as fuck!!
Re: Westenders yessssss thank fuck someone else did! the spiritual healer/ transexual was amusing, as was the 'mental'guy with the beard and the jimmy saville guy was such a twat, how he thought he was funny il never know
Re: Re: Westenders The healer was proper weird. That bearded guy only had a 15 watt bulb on in his flat at night to save the environment. The boxing bit was hilarious. The guy was so pleased that his Devil Blue peter badge had survived the bout. I'm deffo watching this next week!
Re: Re: Re: Westenders yeah, he didnt watch tv cos it makes him angry. how strange was he? did you see all the charvas getting their faces in the picture? and he was chuffed about his big badges surviving wasnt he?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Westenders Totally. Did you see the chaver making wanking movements with his hands behind his back. I hope this show never ends.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Westenders i did see that, all u saw was the guys arm, not his face the 2 scallies really wanted to kick the shit out of each other didnt they? i hope it never ends as well, i cant believe i never knew about this b4! and it was jonny from big brother narrating wasnt it? a proper north eastern affair!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Westenders Yeah it was Jonny. There may be someone on this board who knows someone from that show or even worse, they could be realted to someone!
I didn't see it, but I wanted to watch it I like watching Geordies on TV as they're usually thick as fuck
i saw it, what a programme fuck me, the jimmy saville guy is fucked in the head! did you see him revisit his 'suicide place' 'no tears, im gonna concentrate on my comedy now' comedy? fuck me, if thats supposed to be amusing...
His comedy is shit. Did u see when he was singing and dancing? Deffo, did u see the that blokeon his first outing as a woman. The chip shop was mad too. I wouldn’t mind drinking in the Ponderosa with that old bloke!!!!