Were do u think?? U'll b in 10 Years Time? Personally I hope 2 b in the Promised land Not Sure were that is but if i get there i'm sure i'll share it with ya's!! But on a serious note I hope 2 b sum were not 2 far away Sorry if i'm boring sum peeps but i'm bored!!
In a nice job, putting all my years of education to good use, comfortable, and enjoying life. :groovy:
i hope i'm happy or at least not sad!!! & i have an enjoyable job - something to do with psychology preferably!!!
doing what i want to do with who i want to do it with. hopefully living with sum1 special but i dont want kids yet, i wana live my life and have my career first!
probs sat at at pc posting on here.... art director in a multimedia design office wudnt mind being in the designers republic/tomato like