good sountrack to go out on though. I wonder what people would like to be listening to as the flames rush towards them?
Watched this last week. Its brilliant stuff. .... on the plus side, we'd all be vapourised instantly more or less so if it ever happens we wont suffer for long
Watching this and thinking about it since has made me wonder... If this has happened so many times already, were humans around before that on each occasion, and if they were did they get particularly advanced with any form of technology? I was never much good at history at school, and i usually make rossy laugh at the assumptions i make and questions i ask - i hope this is a good one for once. Forgive me if it is common knowledge that people who lived on this planet and were completely obliterated actually got so far in the grand scheme of things, or definitely didn't exist at all. Looking at the scale of that destruction it would be hard to trace things back that far...
Exactly. this has happened numerous times in earths past and has completely wiped out all living things on the planet and fucked the planet up for millions of year - but it recovers because of the unique conditions with this planet. it's like global warming "ooo we're destorying the world" - no we're not, the world will recover - just without us