I don't seem to do weekend plans as in going out weekend plans anymore. This weekend I'll be doing Ikea on Saturday, then putting up curtains, lights, sanding the bottom off doors, putting Ikea stuff together etc on Sunday. Life on the edge.
Currently in me first day of 9 off work, both jobs that is so ave been waiting in for a mobile getting delivered then gonna go to the gym cos havent been for ages. Tonight - Out for me g/f's 21st for a meal then either into town or Whitley Bay after. Tomorrow - No plans as of yet tho will see where the masses end up after Error tonight. Sunday - Nowt planned, probs watch football.
Tonight - Error for Cyber Gee's birthday. Tomorrow - Home and help my sister build and office in the spare room then football on the night. Sunday - Hopefully there's a bit of sun for a bbq and more football.
tonight - error sat - erm carry on and then at some point go home and pack my shit sun - work then move mon - move
tonight - fuck all probs get stoned for a change sat - facemelter and loads of bugle sun - foota mon - job interview
Tonight - Off round to my stepsister's for a few bottles of wine and to catch up Tomorrow - Quiet day then a friend's 21st in the evening, might end up in town Sunday - Quiet day, might meet my dad for a pint at some point
long long story moving to west monkseaton proper party house thnk i might have a bbq next weekend as house warming but will confrim all during the week
whats the joy in posting when all your doing is working, it aint interesting and it aint much of a plan, a better plan would be to put some holidays in and get somet done
.. Tonight:- Quite nite in a reckon... bottle wino and takeaway... sweet Saturday:- Hopefully bbq with a few beers if the weather is canny canny :drunk: Sunday:- Bugga all yet
tonight - error_. Try (and inevitably fail) not to get in too much of a state, maybe go to bread n circus beforehand saturday - go to me mam n dads, pub on the night sunday - nowt planned