website now up not all of its uploaded yet so give it time, plus im going away tomorrow so the rest wont be up til next week
Check out me and Cassie in the early hours of the morning most likely messy as fuck - i know for fact i was but Cass was just looking after me - Joe was prob with us @ time but he's out of the picture...... Were on the bottom left of the pic far corner - ive got a white top on and Cassie in pink - our first night out that was Armins Set OMFG how good was it........
I havent been to promise yet so mentioning it would be a bit sillu... "pics from promise but i havent been" lol iv already got permissions from you guys to use gifs from the promise site so just wait til i go... i might make a links page and you can have a link there
lol aww bless ya i feel really mean now, il go and do a link page now lol something to do while i wait to go to brum, i think il try and get to promise for the 22nd Nov, if i can find some1 to go with cos my bf is working weekends in Nov
Ive got a tiny site running off my banger at home have a look. Its got the worlds most exciting webcam backstreet cam! Few mp3 downloads as well, many more to come when i buy a new hdd!
Lol, both of us are guilty! Besides my site a bit err. knackered at the min so im guessing either my pc at home has crashed, either that or my house is burning down as we speak!