Theres loads just do a google search. Most of the free ones place banners/adverts at the top of the page as a result. I've got one with No banners/adverts at all! They're reliable and its easy to FTP ya files up. Does me for hosting a few files or displaying websites...
i registered one a few days ago ffrom portland, im sure it was feree, nver paid owt, i got all the domain details and that, when i tried to go on it before to set som stuff up it came up blank (obviously) now when i try i get some cunt advertising wed design and hosting . and when i try to register another it asks me to pay for it first. this is jsut after i select a domain name. wtf is going on is there no other hosting sites with FREE domains? try that. Tick what options ya want and see what you get! Also try Similar enter amount of space u require and voila!
usually with the free hosts you get gash domain names and loads of adverts like....