Webhosting! anyone got any recommendations for webhosting?? I've got a site with Xcalibre webhosting (www.xcalibre.co.uk) and I'm starting to get pissed off with the amount of times that my site has disappeared due to technical problems, and at the time of writing this post, NONE OF XCALIBRE'S sites are available to the net... any ideas?
i use freeola and have never had any bother at all! not too bad for a small/meduim website. i think they have rules about not using for business purposes but no-one takes any notice. Check out www.freeola.com.
looks good the xcalibre package I have atm is way more expensive, although we get "state of the art website statistics" and "one to one customer support" heh (saracasm) at the moment the entire hoster seems to be fucked up (not just my server like last time)
my old boss has about 4 sites with them, he's bin around for a while so knows his stuff. mine sites never been down and i've had it about 4 years.
that would make a change my site has just popped back online, but I can't get into my domain control panel bad crack! EDIT : http://cp.xcalibre.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=3527#post3527 Looks like I could move anyway though, had enough of this
try www.capitalhosts.com trust me...cheap ... 30 quid per year for 500Mb space, and everythinelse u need!"!!
yip... im gonna be gettin space from ere soon... ive never found anywhere as cheap and ive looked all over the bloody place
I use brinkster.com. I've never had any problems with them and its free! My website doesn't take up much space so thats why I've probably never had anything go wrong.