Web space...?!?!?!?! whos the best ppl to get some webspace with? just for a little site i want to do in flash and stuff. i need quite alot of space.... any help would be great! ta
how much is a lot of space? how much u willing to pay a month? Free webspace is shite nowadays, full of ads, and ISPs only offer 20meg-ad free.
not loads and loads.....errrrr.....i couldnt say an exact amount just as much as possible for as little cash as possible really. i need to buy a domain name etc too....
www.freeola.com, best place i've found. You can buy your domain for as little as £14 for a .co.uk with 2 years registration from getdotted THEN register it with Freeola and get free web space, no adds, no pop-ups - none of that shite. thats who i got mine with (www.manofscience.co.uk) ... admittedly i've got fcuk all on the site but it costs nowt. Check them out. Go to the freeola site first, look for the "buy a domain from getdotted" link and follow it...
i was just thinkin, as a AOL user, i get sum free webspace dont i? ive looked into it, but all ive found is how to make a page using thier shitty hometown software... and erm, i dont want to do that anyone who is with AOL, let me know how to access my free web space, if im payin for it, i want to be able to use the damn thing!
if u want i can stick it on our server just buy a domain name you can get a .co.uk for about a tenner.