Weapons of mass distruction.... Try this very soon, before someone forces Google to fix its site: 1) Go to www.Google.com 2) Type in weapons of mass destruction (DON'T hit return) 3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, NOT the "Google search" 4) Read the "error message" carefully. Someone at Google really has a sense of humour. And will probably be fired soon!!!! someone at google get a bit bored u think ?? hehe
Theres another one like that, something to do with the French and war i think, im sure someone on here will know, not really a google joke as such, just good page rankings.
yeah I remember it well, and you came back and said "Doesn't work for me, I just got page not found!" Fitzy, its not google doing that.... that's a genuine page on the web (but a joke obviously) with the most hits and links to it for the term "weapons of mass destruction"