Weakest Link Seen it before but still amusin!! Transcript from Aussie Weakest Link..... CORNELIA (the hostess): "Michael, why Robin?" MICHAEL: "Well he struggled with a few easy questions and missed a really simple one." CORNELIA: "Graham, why Robin?" GRAHAM: "He's about the dumbest bloke I've ever met." CORNELIA: "Claire, why Robin?" CLAIRE: "He's a total goose." CORNELIA: "Well Robin, you missed three questions in the last round, and didn't bank a cent. You really are a complete moron aren't you? I hope you're proud of yourself. What could you possibly have to say for yourself........?
lol, but if you ever were on the waeakest link you would have to answer the question "why did you vote for such and such" with "because i thought he was the weakest link. thats the point of the game aparently"