We Are Moving Servers Just to let you know that the board will be offline for most of today. We are moving to a new server and this will take between 1 and 6 hours (hopefully). Seeya on the other side!
We are back!! :groovy: Is everything working ok for you guys? Mail me if you are having any problems.
It is now half moved. The database that runs the message board has now moved. The rest of the site will move over the next 48 hours. *note for tech peeps* We are just waiting for the dns to propergate (spelling???), once this has happened the site will be pointing to our lovely new dedicated server.
Its spelled like this Rob = propagate having a few probs getting into forum sometimes getting some error messages. I guess this is due to the time it takes to linkup between the two server So is the site getting a enought hits to need a dedicated server then Rob
yeah, i was gunna say. muist be gettin some hefty traffic to warrant a dedicated server. any drive space goin spare to host some tunes