Wax:On 4th July Jamie Jones

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by Dan Wax:On, Jun 24, 2008.

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  1. Dan Wax:On

    Dan Wax:On

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Wax:On 4th July Jamie Jones


    This July we are unleashing our resident DJs to show off their skills with a special summer residents party. Wax:On favourites PGR, Oli Patten and TC Monckton will be taking to the decks. PGR have been rocking clubs around the country causing dancefloor mayhem wherever they play. TC Monckton has been busy behind the mixing desk producing brand new tunes and Oli Patten will be back from London with his trademark mixing trickery.

    But we are not going to let our residents have all the fun! Joining them will be our special guest Jamie Jones who has in recent years been producing and releasing records on Crosstown Rebels, Freak n Chic, Poker Flat, Cocoon and Get Physical. He is also looking forward to releasing his debut artist album this year, so keep your ears to the ground for that

    Jamie Jones
    People Get Real
    Oli Patten
    TC Monckton
    Preamptive VJs

    Friday 4th July

    Digital, Times Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4EP
    Doors 11pm – 4am / Only £8 on the door / For more info and guest list please email info@waxonuk.com or visit www.waxonuk.com
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Dan Wax:On

    Dan Wax:On

    Jul 11, 2006
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