Watch out guys Just revising some stuff for exam next week. Learning about anti-depressants, found out one of them can make a guy ejaculate backwards so it goes into your bladder!!!!!!!!! It also says men don't tend to notice until their wee is slightly cloudy the next time they go....but really???I'm sure you'd notice if nothing shot out and also would it feel random going backwards???
no not particulary though they affect orgasm anyway to be honest i just found it funny it said a man wouldn't notice but wouldn't it be a mad expereice it shooting back the wrong way?
no it won't be contraceptive as some of the pesky sperm will always get out at some point as they don't all come out toggether with ejaculation....just so you know "pulling out" does NOT prevent pregnancy in case you guys think it'll work ever. I'm settling into my Welfare role well already...."have fun kids, just Be Safe!!"
what makes it go in reverse then? is is not because the sperm are high on drugs they decide to go the wrong way, therefore its contraceptive.
Its something to do with the extra seretonin in the brain affectin u down there, me bein on cowies and my knob shrinking to just 6 inches is sort of an example