I'm leading very well indeed Even people like myself need a break every now and again! Anyway your not in The WM anymore are you Loser
no but i can find my own fun, you good for nothing space ape :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: nothing wrong with a break, gather your not wanting me to keep those cakes for ya, LAUGHING BOY
if carloine isnt allowed in the group than i shall hand in my notice and be the foundations of a new group called the washy specials........ cazz can join that group but there'l be a strick door ploicy "NO DAN'S" and to enforce this policy i'll have only the best security team "beware of the bomber jackets" control.
If you do break off and form another "new" group mine will be far more superior! Cazz has let not only herself but the whole of the washy massive DOWN!! She will be allowed back in if she completes a task!
task??? ha*laughs in the face of danger* cazz is not scared of any threat you may throw @ her!! suggest your task as you will!!
Yeh I was out living it large Liquid was packed, and Diva! I was going between seeing you, Dan and Cazz, and Chris then going to see my mates downstairs as well I was all over the place You looked hammered!