Was Tissera really that good? So good that none of you have posted almost all week, did having such a good night tire you out? ure all as dead as doornobs, whats going on??
I really enjoyed his set, saying it was the only 1 i caught!! He played sum remixes that i never exspected 2 here which was class!! Just 1? did i here "underworld, Born Sloppy" @ the end get mixed in then fade out just as quick!! R was i hearing things?
i thought he was pretty good. better than lst time. id name some tunes, but i dont know alot about HH/HT! but... de-jure - sanctuary sun decade - im alone (some weird mix with a vocal?!) prodigy - firestarter (dunno mix) bornslippy - might have been CJ stone mix bad ass? cant remember much else....!
Re: Re: Was Tissera really that good? ure telling me, its like watching bloody paint dry!! tissera was wicked, i love it when the club has that type of atmosphere, it was as if it had the spark back, it seems to have been missing for a bit, but it was deffo there on friday!!
I'm sleepy today...AS usual! Not that its of any importance! I liked Kerry's set alot aswell, especially Andain - Summer Calling and Perpetuous Dreamer - Sound of Goodbye! Vocals are looovely!
aye i dint know kerry was on till i got there but i thought she dun good! tissera was mint aswell, the atmosphere was the way it should always be! and good to see the place busy!!
Im still buzzin off this night man!! it was awesome i didnt think kerry was gonna play but i was a pleasent suprise! it got canny quiet near the end too!!
I thought it was ok by the end!! 4 a change @ least cos sumtimes it can b dead near the end, and that was'nt r atleast thats what i thought I could b wrong!!
I might be wrong, but im sure it was dead on the dance floor the last 45mins! anyone else remember cos me n nat arent exactly in a fit state at the end normally
Best night I can remember in ages. I can't remember that many so that's maybe not the best way to put it. As Kerry says, the atmosphere was spot on. The only problem with a night like that is that it's over before you know it. It was finished off nicely with a freebie CD which I've played to death by the way.