was anyone at sundissential on sunday? was a wicked night! really good atmosphere and really loud! farley was class, ilogik played a good set too :groovy:
did you think so? i thought it was pretty packed towards the end, at least the dancefloor was anyway... don't know about the rest of it the frantic room was pretty quiet all night (esp. after the soundsystem broke ) still, lots of fun!
hope u had a gud time dave!.. i heard my fone ring and think i passed out or summit tryin 2 answer it im deffo there nxt month!!.. anyone know the lineup? did u propose 2 the luvvly ms auburn again?! i was talkin 2 lashes on sat dave.. and got my foto again!
he wasnt talking to her...he was stood behind her creaming his pants while she talked to interesting people.