warning HSE Information - Danger of re-using water bottles The following HSE information comes from the Qld Dept of Natural Resources and Mines staff. "Many are unaware of poisoning caused by re-using plastic bottles. Some of you may be in the habit of using and re-using your disposable mineral water bottles (e.g. Evian,Aqua, Ice Mountain, Vita, etc.) and keeping them in your car or at work. Not a good idea. In a nutshell, the plastic (called polyethylene terephthalate or PET) used in these bottles contains a potentially carcinogenic element (something called diethylhydroxylamine or DEHA). The bottles are safe for one-time use only; if you must keep them longer, it should be no more than a few days, a week max, and keep them away from heat as well. Repeated washing and rinsing can cause the plastic to break down and the carcinogens (cancer causing chemical agents) can leach into the water that YOU are drinking. Better to invest in water bottles that are really meant for multiple uses. This is not something we should be scrimping on. To those of you with a family - please advise them, especially children."
Yikes, I still have my bottle from friday in the house somewhere, my mam's boyfriend may have washed it and used it for work
sounds like tosh to me, what are "water bottles that are really meant for multiple uses." - sports/bike bottles??? hmmm... are the HSE being secretly funded by coca cola enterprises?
I dont think many people would keep a bottle for a really long time anyway. And if anyone would, they should stop being so tight and go buy a new one!
Sounds like pish flaps to me. I regurarly use a plastic bottle at the gym and refill from the tanks they provide. I've had no side effects.
not my point m8... it seems that breathing is harmful for us these days.. maybe the HSE will inform us to excercise caution when breathing next? when it was red hot in th summer in the office i worked in we weren't allowed the windows open at any time incase someone walked into an 'unattended open window'
'carconogenic' (sp) m8, ur not likely to feel anythin till u find a lovely tumour eating away ur insides nice.
Re: Re: warning HSE are a government agency/dept... it donations to the labour party by coca cola enterprises i tell thee its a conspiracy! raaaa.
So life yet again becomes more hazardous due to some pikey using the empty water bnottle his mummy got him for crimbo for too long and dying forcing scientists to do wierd experiments that show that it wasnt the butler that did it it was the water bottle ..oooooo dont drink from water biottles more than once ..... is there any one bloke who didnt ever fill up a used bottle and go play footie wiv his mates and drink from sed bottle? Never mind lets celebrate weve found another way to die yeah yippee woohoo.... why arent these lab rats looking at curing what kills us instaed of inventing shite that does! :spangled:
Re: Re: Re: warning I hope it's bolux. i'm a proper cheapskate like that I just take the same bottle everyday to uni till i lose it, sometimes i get from a night out sometimes just a bottle of oasis from the shop! But i keep it ages