Ward10 Summer Residents Party - Sat 31st May WARD10 SUMMER RESIDENTS PARTY WITH GARRY OGDEN KEIRON ROSS FELLOWS SATURDAY 31ST MAY 11PM - 3.30AM £8 Independent, holmeside, sunderland --------------------------------------------- Since we moved to the new room at Independent last November we played host to the legendary ANDREW WEATHERALL for our 6th birthday, brought deep house new kid MANUEL TUR over from Germany to play house and sample the local brew... we flew in JAMES PREISTLY from Moscow to bring the Secretsundaze vibe to Sunderland and play one of his favourite parties of the year...and last weekend saw the super talented BURNSKI return to WARD10 for the second time. New boy Ross has been doing really well since we took him on in Novemeber and we've all enjoyed playing more than ever, so why not celebrate the past 6 months and feature everyone who make WARD10 possible and have a residents party... Thanks for your support and see you at the party... www.myspace.com/ward10 Facebook group - ward10
THIS SATURDAY! in the meantime here is a mix to enjoy.... http://postbocks. com/uploads/garry-ogden-garry-ogden-may-08-ward10-mix ENJOY