Not yet "officially". It's been tagged as "standard no-fly zone policy". Anything that threatens us can be hit without a formal declaration of war. Sounds fair doesn't it. God, I need to get away from the telly a bit more. Doesn't help that I work from home and sit glued to Sky News all day!!
not a war, by 2003 i think they must b other ways to slove a problem than a war. also america have double standards they ahve more weapons of mass descrution than any other country on earth chemical weapons as well. it's all about oil, n korea has weapons of mass descrution but no war they as they is no oil!
I'm 50/50 in a way, don't want a war but obviously don't want threats of nuclear bombs etc! will never sort their problems out!
i say we should have got saddam out in the gulf war and then u wouldnt have to have another war, but theres always some bastard dictator trying to rule the world heh hoh, thats life. get on with it.
we are now OFFICIALLY at war. that weird short man with the square head and the funi voice has just been on tele telling us we're at war against eye-raq. Marvellous.
i go with u paul...........then no1 cud b arsed to fight unless it was over muchie food!!! "no i want the star mix" "FUCK OFF....NMBDVFDIIDRRFKDFK" (translated that was....the star mix r mine - whilst shoveling them in yas mouth!!!)
Am I the only person who feels sorry for our soldiers, who have to go out and put their lives on the line without the backing of the British public. Anyone who thinks this is just about oil hasn't acquainted themselves with the full facts. The reason for a lack of support is a lack of support for George Bush (which is understandable). Do you think the UN would just stand by and let the US take control over Iraq's assets? I don't think so... George Bush may be a hipocritical muppet, but Sadam is a war criminal and a dictator who has fucked the UN around for years. If this war removes him from power, quickly and with minimum blood (will they be much resistance?)...I'm all for it!
i feel sorry for the soliders although i dont support the war, i support our sevices they are only doing they job!