War Tonight... Is anyone else stopping in tonight to watch WAR? My night is: 19:30 Corra 20:00 Enders 20:30 WAR I will also be listening to RADIO 1 from Miami
Re: War Tonight... nice 2 c you have got your countrys best interests at heart, well done. theres an army shop still open spence, you can still sign up. the army needs u: index finger pointed straight at spence.
Re: Re: War Tonight... I would to have go at Sadact Whosain but I will leave it to the SAS,the Royal Marines &..........The TA
Re: Re: Re: War Tonight... eh, havent a clue what your on about. u'll sign up 4 the marines, sas and the ta. nice one. thats fuckin commitment.
Re: Re: Re: Re: War Tonight... Sorry missed an 'IT' out! I am not going to join up! I will let the marines, sas and the ta deal with the Iraq problem GOT TO GO NOW,DONT WANT TO MISS ANY WAR 'LIVE'
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: War Tonight... NO! I am going to Funkissential in Leeds next week as guest of the trophy twins. Then after that I am taking a 2 month clubbing break!
tuned in to watch last nights episode of "war"!!! wasn't much of a plot...when do the characters get introduced??? i'll watch the omnibus on sunday...
yeah ive been watching it all day, its surreal seeing people getting bombed live while im sitting at home eating dinner. kinda fcuked up!