Took me ages to get my copy m8, try Ebay every week or so, it pops up every so often, theres only a CD copy of it on there at the moment tho.
Cheers mate I'll keep an eye out. CD's not a problem, I'm tempted to get the Maxi CD single from PvD's webshop.
Yeah, not seen it anywhere else...sorry! It's not all that good you know! Try Lab-4's mix of 'The Perfect Drug' by Nine Inch Nails!
Here it is on CD m8 Only £2.50 at the moment!
i think i have this on vinyl. but i really hate selling tunes, so would have to be a crazy offer to get me to sell it. i'll have look to see if t is tonight.
Well you aren't going to get a crazy offer to be fair, not when I can get the CD single and DJ off of that for fairly cheap, but if you'e willing to sell it then let me know and I'll make you an offer.