Wanna be nice? Does anyone work or know anyone who works in any companies that supply baby products (mothercare, pampers, boots,ELC) or stationary (books, pens, pencils), or photocopiers? If you could find out contacts of people in the head offices of companies like that you would be helping many poor little orphans! and save me a load of time ta
no1 i can think of off the top of my head but will rack my brain 4 ya!!! & also ask around my m8's in case they know any1!!
I can get contact names for people who work in research and develpoment for companies like boots and other campanies that manufacture babycare products if thats any help?
I guess it won't harm to try but i'm mainly after the big wigs who have the authority to say "hmm yes we will send 200 free terry towelling nappies to smelly orphans in india" to send a letter only costs about 5p so yeah any address will be great, ta!