Vuzz Another quality night!!! Riley & Durrant were quality!!! & well done Graham Cheers for the lift Wot
Same again for me, cant remem fuck all Well done Scott / Graham / Paul tho Cheers for the lift back Sarah as well, another all day session today and safe to sam am hardlys feeling well now
excellent stuff. thoroughly enjoyed myself last night. really starting to get a great amosphere in thre now roll on the next.
Yeah was good night, apart from losing my glasses on the Dancefloor !!! Graham definately did a good job of finishing the night off 1st time I've stayed right till the end for ages
the amount of times you would of gone to work in a state you should be used to it now you lightweight lol
i well just couldnt be arsed to tell you truth with the match was bored at work dead as a doornail:sleep: :bang:
i had fun on saturday, thought everyone mite have left after riley & durrant finished but was still busy when i was playing which i really enjoyed!!! also managed to stay sober all night then went home after had mint night, looking forward to the next one
was really good. well done u lot shouldnt hav really come out tho coz was well hungover and tired still from nite b4 so left early :camp: sorry graham :flowers: if i wasnt really so shit and ill wud of stayed to c u