I was rather out of it one night and decided to drink vodka straight from the bottle. Only thing is I had recently seen kevin and perry and thought it be a good idea to intake by the eyeball. Needless to say it hurt rather a lot and i couldnt see for a while.
i vodka, smirnoff blue is my fav along with abstolute, red vodka (only available in foreign countries) & cherry vodka!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............................vodka it has been known that i drank 35 shots in 1 night..........ooop's!!! i was ill for 3 days & smelt of cheap vodka 2!!!!
straight from the bottle..... eg: confuzzled on the way to promise on friday - ur mad vodka is a gurls drink.. bring on the absinthe :evil:
35 shots in 1 nite its not big and its not clever!........ impressive though smirnoff vod and red bull is the king of drinks
Vodka = mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Had a litre bottle of Smirnoff Blue last weekend very nice!!! Brought it back from Oz!!! Think the most vodka I have had in one night is about 2 litres straight! NOT CLEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spangled: Felt like I was floating for the next few days!!!
Teknofish stores is currently offering 3 Litres of Vodka for £20. A bargin not to missed. PM me if interested. *hic*
i drink my vodka with coke...but im not a big fan of it. im a whiskey drinker really. neat at home, with fresh orange when im out.
vodka is great!!!!! how can any1 not like vodka????????/ i am so by this news that it makes me want to but that's ok cos it means more 4 me!!!!!!!!!!!!
advice to anyone who is thinking of it... never ever snort vodka... ever! but seriously.... :spangled: