Very, VERY odd Taken from another board, had to share it!!! 'About 5 years ago when i was working at Pinnacle Distribution in London - I got sent a tape from a music student in Newcastle called Adrian Lee. It had about 20 songs on it, with most of the titles featuring his name - 'Adrian Lee Fucks The Nurses', 'Adrian Lee and His 10 Inch Penis', 'Adrian Lee Has Sex At Pebble Mill' etc Some of us at the label listened to it and what we heard was probably best described as sounding like a brilliant lo-fi mess of Captain Beefheart, Minty, The Beastie Boys and Ultravox but some with really pervy sex ranting over the top... Naturally we gave him a ring and said how much we liked it despite there being no real chance that Pinnacle or any of their associated labels would be up for signing him. Over the years we have become friends and stayed in touch - and also in that time he has recorded more songs, done a gig at my mates club in New Cross (complete with a moving back drop of dog turds, Harold Shipman faces and wheelchairs on a naughts and crosses board). He also spent a considerable amount of his Mums money on this genius video. Also, by way of explaining the extent of Adrians sexual drive and frustration, when he last stayed down here in London, my mate Lee gave him some money to buy food and he spent it on a £10 hand job in Soho. Its also worth noting that he writes, plays and records everything himself... Anyway - this is the video that he made with the money his Mum loaned from the bank. Its pretty nuts. The girls are hired page three girls and the other guy in it is the director. Fuck knows what they must have been thinking while they were making this video...hopefully they noticed the brilliance. - website'