Using a Hair Dryer to start a PC! Right nerds... here's a good one ; Not had chance to look at this PC yet but it's my mates Dads - The fault is it won't start when it's COLD. Presses the button - nowt. If he uses a hair dryers on/around the processor and warms it up... it'll work.. eventually... it'll flash the HD LED a few times... warm it a bit more... bingo! it starts! So... dry joint on the motherboard somewhere? Got him to use switch cleaner, reseated everything... still does it. NEVER heard owt like this b4... getting it tomorrow - will have a gander then....
How did he work out it would work after warming it with a hair dryer lol I can be of no help im afraid lol
Re: Using a Hair Dryer to start a PC! sounds like a dry solder fault mate. get a heater for it and a blanket - geriatric PC