USB Modem with Linux Installed linux mandrake, everythings fine apart from this dam modem, ive installed the drivers, ran drakenetconf. It all syncs when I use the startmodem |tee log.txt command but the dam thing wont connect. DNS/USERNAME/PASS etc are all setup, only thing i can think of is that its not set up for PPPoA. Any ideas?
Which modem? Well, firstly, which modem? Has the system definately recognised the device on boot up? Is it installed to /dev/modem? if not, is it under any of /dev/usb/ttyACM* ? Are you using X (Windows system) if, so, which window manager? KDE, GNOME? Where did you configure your account details? Have you dabbled manually in your configuration? If so, may be a configuration error. Perhaps grep and attach your configurations for me to look at? /etc/ppp/options - what does this file look like? That's it for now....