usability of web systems I need some kind of paper/reference that states that people will be put off by a poorly designed website. This is common sense but i still need a reference! can anybody help? cheers
I've found a couple of articles which might be of use, you can have a look and see if there's anything of relevance. Most of it is to do with people first impressions of a website based on design.... Websites: Books: Human Factors and Web Development (2d ed) - Julie Ratner Designing Web Usability - by Jakob Neilson (New Riders Publishing, 2000). Hope there's something there you can tie in somehow
Jakob Nielsen is a great point of reference for things about web useage/usability and loads of other stats. He's a bit fundamentalist at times, but looking around his reports or books might help you with alot of interesting info and statistics.
a thousand thankyous gentlemen Despite gatering 29 research papers covering various aspects of web systems, I havn't found the exact reference i'm after to back up part of my argument. Cheers.