Urban Merlin I hear you arent too well darling, get well soon we need you out next Friday mind. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Re: Urban Merlin I'm not babe Felt like utter shit since tues! Suppose to be going away the mora too! I will DEFO be out nxt week don't worry! Ta btw love xx
Re: Re: Urban Merlin You got flu? Get some Beachams down you and tuck ya self in bed (a hot and spicy pizza might sort ya out! ) Hope ya get better soon Darl. xx
I've had Beechams, vicks vapour stuff, cough medicine, paracetamol and vick synex! (not all at same time tho ) and still feel pretty gash! Would love a napoli but my sence's of smell and taste keep going it would be just a waste of money
Jesus you must be ill refusing a hot and spicy! It aint the mumps is it? Cause thats how I felt then my neck went HUGE!