UnShAkeAbLe @ OpUs SoUtH ShIeLds OcEaN rOaD 16th june Line up 16th june monday Damo T Vs MArley DJ Pervy Karl 51 Dj SMiggs Vs Dj SaRaH Christopher Hutchinson Marc Miller more djs to be added MONDAY 23rd june B2b night DJ M I C K Y vs PAUL T DAMO T VS JoHn PaRkEr KARL 51 vs Jay Jay Niel BUckley VS Phil MArc MILLER VS Christopher HUtchinson I am looking for more djs to play Also My new resident is Yoshi as he will be playing once a month He played fucking class on Monday HARD AS FUCK or as ppl say about him hard as nails cheers alan. also like to say thanx and well done to gareth sarah and smiggs as they played mint for they first time at unshakeable on the night go on SARAH or girl resident R u ready for ya nxt set SARAH. MARC and Hutchy blew us away as usual well done residents damo slept in for his set which left marley in a bit of the shit as he only brung so many records but marley played mint and rocked it GO on gaz you will be defo on again(love that last tune) and so will smiggs(like the tunes m8 nice set ) IT was a top class night. i have to thanks one last guy and his name is SLASH u made the atmosphere u nutter. Cheers for every 1 that came
BOSH BOSH BOSH Wasnt just slash that went mental! The whole place was jumping! ALL the dj's played a blinder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on monday!!!!
miller next time u spell my name like that theres gonna be some beatings!! its PURVY!!!!!!!!!!! please change it mate!!!! well done to the peeps i saw play last night!!!! nice hard bosh!!!!! ill see u all there next week aint sure what im playing yet tho!!!