Unshakeable Listings This monday 30th june dj include paul b2b micky marley Gareth marc miller christopher hutchinson then vs night Monday 7th july UnShAkEaBlE VS TwIsTeD lOgIc @ OpUs Damo T Vs Mik Xposure(Trance set) Christopher hutchinson Vs Jimmy Craik(hardtrance set) Marc miller Vs Batfink(HardHouse/Hardstyle set) then july 14th Dan buckley Niel buckley Christopher hutchinson Marc miller Yoshi july 21 Trance and hard classics night Marley b2b Damo T GAreth B2B micky Smiggs b2b Miss SARAH Marc Miller B2b Hutchy every night Free entry £1 drinks July 28 Trance night Marley Damo t John parker Another dj to be added
Christopher hutchinson Vs Jimmy Craik(hardtrance set) Weh Hey Never met the guy but going back to back with him
Its all about the music. Thats my motto. As long as people enjoy themselves I don't give a fuck Gonna bring some classics down to play as well as my usual stuff
Yeah, I noticed the £1 per drink thing, is that for owt??? Should be a laugh too. Mik will be fucked when he plays, he gets back from Greece a few hours before hand
yeah u looked fooked last monday, but the question is, was that of the drink Nat?????? but still think ur a close 2nd behind slash!!! cya fri!!!!!!