unknown Any1 else come bak from w/e clubbing with scars? This w/e iv got a big scar ova my lip a carpet burn on my chinspangled: ) and a nice yellow bruise on my elbow. How i got them no one knows?
when I was a beer boy, used to call them UDIs, Unidentified Drinking Injuries, or Beer Injuries. worst I ever heard of was a broken ankle, and that was just having a piss! Same as... beer jacket : you never feel cold when pissed beer scooter : No idea how i got home last night, must have took the beer scooter loads more!
Here's One .... Beer Compass The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after a booze cruise, even though you're too pissed to remember where you live, how you get there, and where you've come from.
U cant forget the "beer goggles" But in newcastle u always have "beer jackets" on. Does this mean ur always pissed?
yes, or planning to be pissed very soon gets very warm under those beer jackets, so the girls have to buy special clothes like beer mini-skirts (smaller that ordninary mini-skirts) which usually come in a pack with white stilettos. think they can buy beer knickers too, never seen any, but they are similar to a open-crotch g-string...
I always wake up with less brain cells half my eye sight and half ground down teeth yet all i do is go out for the music :spangled: