Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer? Someone just posted this on facebook, not sure what the fuck it is but it's put me off noodles for a while. Someone says it's a bunch of certain worms in a ball, if thats the case why do they all move at exactly the same time im not saying it's an alien in the pipe btw Only in america.. Any views? [yt]p5wqpEza2YA[/yt]
a link to more info would of helped like rory! http://www.uforadar.com/2009/06/unknown-et-lifeform-north-carolina-sewer/ tbf, i think it's something thats mutated or indeed something that already exists, i dont think it's, as they put it, 'ET'. thats just silly - and a bit ignorant as well either that or i'm well going to be blown right away when it appears on the news. one for the tinfoil hat brigade eh? Edit/ The original video was leaked by a guy who's just launched a site called 'uforadar' someone with obv no life and is basically willing for aliens to exist. i wouldent trust a sad middle aged twat still living with his parents tbf.
It's tubifex worms. You can buy them as feed for catfish and other aquatic pets. Nothing to see here, move along.