Unfair bank charges petition! Get it signed! Get it signed! Be good to get as much publicity for this as the road/car tax one did! http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/refundcharges/
it wont do anything! theyre currently reviewing the charges (fsa i think) and apprently it looks like a standard charge of 12 quid will be brought in, or that is what it is looking like. this isnt definate though.
PRINCESS JANE The Office of Fair Trading have already set a guideline charge of £12 while it looks into unfair bank charges in more depth. A decision was due last week but complaints to the Financial Services Authority have gone up 4000 per cent, so the decision has been held-off. Granted, everyone should be able to manage their money, but if you occasional don't, you shouldn't be levied with a vastly inflated and unreasonable charge for a poxy computer generated letter reminding you that you are poor and the month is long.