Unable to connect to FTP sites I'm on Windows 2000 and cannot download anything from FTP servers. Gozilla cannot calculate the connection speed and when you attempt the download, hangs on "connecting" for about 10 secs then bombs out with "unable to connect" before retrying. I've checked my advanced explorer options, even restored default settings to no avail. Come on folks. A Goblin Meat Pudding and a Jaffa Cake to the techie who solves this one...
check ur firewall settings if u have one or try lowering ur security settings. control panel> internet options
No firewall, security settings are standard. Tried lowering before. Don't think it's anything security wise cos one of the sites I'm accessing is Epson. Keep trying. The Jaffa Cake could still be yours!!
Try the Foo Foo Valve located at the right hand side of your engine,next to your computers gear box. Iam no help at all am i ....ignore me please
The good old lets change what he said thing.How am i trying to be a funny cunt anyhow.And what thread are you on about anyway. kin :chill:
Didn't see the bit at the bottom. I thought you were refering to a vaguely humerous thread I started in the techie forum a couple of weeks ago. This is what I get for posting when, erm.....tired. I now can't tell wether or not I offended you earlier on but that wasn't my aim.
aye it'll probs fix ur ftp problem.. but fook summit else... im not a fan of xp... the slow piece of shit why i cud do better.....*fades off into ramble slagging of everything*
just got a new comp with xp on it and my first impressions were good, but the novelty has soon wore off.... *goes off to find a copy of windows NT*
xp is toooooo dependant upon graphix!... everything is shaded.. rounded.. smoothed.. and high res... which makes its slow!... even when u turn the options off its crap on a top machine is great!.. but too slow for home users with low end machines..
I work from home and it's a company PC. Got to stick with 2000. Besides, it's only a Celeron 300 wind up model. XP'll kill it !:angel:
Maybe the FTP site isnt available, what you have described sounds like the server is down. Try using a different client as well, something for instance such as FlashFxp. Also, my recommendation is to simply not use Windows Xp as its shite even on a high spec Pc, stick with Win2k m8
It's not caused by downed servers cos I'ts been going on for a while with several sites. I'll give FlashFXP a go. Cheers Hummel matey. BTW is your name based on some kind of glue or enamel paint used for airfix kits??