UKs OWN Human Rights Bill i had high hopes for Cameron, was hoping he'd come up with some decent NEW ideas that would give people a reason to shift back to the Conservatives for - BUT - he then comes out with this Gem this weekend. He wants to opt out and SCRAP our current Human Rights Act and create the UKs Own Bill of Human Rights - the reason being that this is the reason why people feel they are being let down by the justice system - cause crims are using this to their advantage to get off with things over technicalities What a plonker. It would takes AGES to draft a new bill, nevermind getting it all thru and tested - THEN there'd be massive confusion between ours and the rest of the worlds Act... god... if he back tracks over this - he's going to look like a right fool - this could be his first big mistake
Not been following this story much apart from a bit i caught in the car while i was coming back from Wales, but its quite uncanny how much support and notice is being given to Cameron and Co these days. Interestingly, if there was an election today - based on opinion polls we would be under a conservative government. ..... Ill be happy to see the back of Labour, but the tories seem to be playing the whole pragmatic policy technique that got Tony and Co in power, and eventually turned people against them. I wish they'd have the balls to come out with some hard line policies to get peoples heads turning....
Yet another politician making promises when they have no intention of delivering them ! Just once id like to see someone come out and Just say what they stand for instead of currying favour by trying to spin everything and blatantly talking bollocks ! Labour / Conservative / green party / lib dems there all the same when it comes down to the nitty gritty , Greedy freakshows that have once upon a time had an idea they could make a difference only to have there heads turned in the pursuite of money and power !
they daren't say what they really beleive cos nobody would vote for them conservatives = the rich getting richer, no public services, buckets of money for arms and filling the jails with people who get in the way of that labour = big brother policies which would have you tucked up safely in bed as soon as east enders had finished just to keep you safe, buckets of money on grandiose schemes that don't work and filling the jails with people who get in the way liberals= peace love and free drugs, buckets of money for everything , screw the rich and empty the jails. take your pick
Personally I think it's a load of bollocks. You can't just pull out of the human rights act and make an entire new one up just because you don't agree with certain aspects. The last thing we need is to head in a similiar direction to America, fucking human rights off at their own discretion.
I hope someone will put an end to this softy softy human rights act, It might stop Cherie Blair getting terrorists out of prison!!
BOTHERED we live in a soviet style lock down now anyway who gives a fuck. Talk about closing the doors after the horse has bolted.
maybe he'll just copy and paste the current act into word and just change the ones hes doesn't like. Bit like a uni student ripping shit off the net for an assignment.