Two Video_TS files onto one DVD? I have already converted two files into two Video_TS files. How can I put them together onto a single DVD? Thanks.
Is it not just a case of naming one 1 and the other 2? For example - VTS_01_01.vob VTS_02_01.vob Alternatively I suppose it could be - VTS_01_01.vob VTS_01_02.vob
Re: Two Video_TS files onto one DVD? ive used tmpgenc dvd author do put two films on one disc. they were all in vob /bup/ ifo format. its a piss easy program to use and is very staight forward you dont have to mince with silly settings or owt so its canny hard to go wrong with it.
Re: Re: Two Video_TS files onto one DVD? This is the easiest way to do it.. If you don't have a copy of it I can bring one to the next promise..
Its just two seperate things. Everytime I try it in Nero, it won't let me, even if I've changed the file names. It fits and everything, it just doesnt let me.
My advise is download TMPGenc DVD author like lee and chandler_90 said (its easy enough to find)...Its the easiest one i have found to use mate