wtf's with adam lab 4 having his name down as A+D+A+M lab 4? it's not like D.A.V.E The Drummer coz adam's his real name... erm anyway when is this, just so I know
My pick outta them day's: Friday: Organ Donors (possibly) Kutski Dana Zany Saturday: Mark EG A+D+A+M (eh?) lab4 Ali Wilson the afterparty looks gash as well on that night. Sunday: bit weak like, but events like that normally revovle around the crack that gans on outside the arena's normally.
Probably the worst line up they've had to date IMO, Glad i saved my money and decided not to go . Bootek might be worth a watch though, zany was probably the best DJ at the last one, Mark EG's always on top form for entertaiment value and Adams normally pretty good but I havent seen his new live act but apart from that its just the usual faces taht tidy put on. I cant actually believe that out of all the people that voted for who they wanted to play, that this is the line up they came up with NO DEVO??????
they aren't on because they are playing in another country or "taking a break" It's been pretty much the same names for years. Smigs has been to more weekender's than you've had hot dinners, every year its the same old shite. There's a few new faces but thats about it its primarly the same lineup year after year.
lisa pin-up, paul glazby, amber D, tidy boys, rob tissera, tidy DJ's, ben stevens, cally & juice, paul maddox, ed real, organ doners, barely legal, pretty much all regular. Illogic, stimulant DJ's (normally only brisk), mark EG, have played a few times before. kim ayres Thats a big percentage of the line-up I'd say Mr M and most the others have played 2 or 3 times. Theres nobody that really stands out as a head liner apart from devo in the queen vic
its all about alex calver seen him in november at nuclear audio and was immense cannot wait to see him again.