Tv Tonight..... anyone watching that thing about mickeal jako on itv 3 at 9pm...for some reason im really looking forward to it should be rather intresting....
u mean when he went shopping? well i saw a clip of it on this morning and apparently he spent 3.5 million for new furniture ....lucky bugger eh?
you watched "this morning" did you? lol im watching coz wako jako is a freak. cool watchin freaks on tv. when im famous, you can say the same. lol
i don't really watch much telly bar footy & dawsons creek!! this is cos i ain't normally at home & my m8's refuse to watch tv so we listen to music!!!! on the odd occasion i mie watch a shitty prog if the ad looked half decent!!!!
sorry i dint see that you had put u seen it on this morning, i though you said u saw this morning. dosent matter. *rubs temples* *mutters "i must read things properly i must..."*
I wish someone would just put us all out of our miesery and kill the stupid cunt. He is clearly insane!!
he does appear to b fucked up in the head!!!! it's quite sad really & i do fee sorry 4 him that it has got to the point where a) ppl refer to him as insane!! & b) he has changed himself so much that he now loks like a reject barbie doll!!!
he looks worse than a rejected barbie doll, so bad infact his kids probably cry themselves to sleep everynight! He looks more femenin than Janet ffs