i saw a program bout manc road coppers....on camera chuckin sweet wrappers out the window....wouldnt that be an on the spot fine for us under the law...bunch of hypocritical twats
Re: Tut tut Im just imagining the damage that could have been caused after launching a 2 pence piece at the windscreen from yer window.
Re: Re: Tut tut The policeman was window shopping just out of the photos view, he would have caught me
theyl give you a few bob for that marc, a rekon itll be in the high hundreds to low thousands, basically they love rippin the police to bits so this kind of thing will be a hit with them
cant make the link work but its in todatys chronicle, http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/eveningchronicle/eveningchronicle/ grass