tunespotters..... i cant remember who/why or when theis tune was played yesterday @ sundiss.. but goes like this... 'i dont wana be alone.. be alone.... be *pause* alone *pause* be alone... and also.. anyone know the name of the hard mix of samantha fu - theme from the discotheque..
arhggh!! im impressed!! if yer that good at spottin tunes then....tell me wot this is.... it samples the theme tune from lost in space n is dead eerie! goes ...'lost in doo dooooo dooo dod do dooooood dooooo do do dod do dooooooooooooooooo.......' oakie played it in '99 at creamfields & ive wanted it ever since but no1 no's wot it is!!.
nope neither of them....defo not. its totally diferent.....less floaty more sorta....agh! its hard to describe eerie is the best word i can come up with!! lol!