Tunes! Are tunes getting longer? if you look at the old cd's i.e. Gatecrasher Red each cd has about 22 tracks on it, yet the last Gatecrasher cd has about 12 tracks per cd:think:
I think on the 22 track CD they just mixed them closer but the vynl could go on for like 12 minutes or something. I don't know, I don't buy records yet but they probably mixed them like DJ Tiesto does - Few minutes per song!
the old CDs wre done on computer i think, so not the full tunes was played......or they were edits......
Money and art... A few years ago, the onus was on getting as many tracks on the CD as possible, in a bid to make the CD's more marketable. I think, as I have noticed the drop in tracks on compilations as well, that the clubs are starting to realize that the punter knows this does not reflect a typical set from the club and is just a mish mash of music to attract sales. This can only be good for the consumer in terms of musical quality. But I agree, tunes are getting longer as well.