tunes... what does every1 think of these tunes: glasby - techsture (sp!) - 999 (logo side, can't remember the mix) fallen angel - coallition/power trip an would i be right in thinkin these are techy hh? also, who else does music like these? thankies
seems like techstures been around forever but just got released a few weeks bk.... tis not glazzers best outting but puts up a gud fight other techy/hard stuff... erm... farley - face facts energy djs uk - punk (techy i dont care what anyone else says. ) bks kollaborations cd has a few quite techy tracks as well.. guy mcaffer - fuck you up etc..
yeah i got techsture a bit ago, didn't think it was anything special then jus forgot bout it, but i think its quality now i've listened to it again... good for near the start of a mix... did the same wi the bk vinyl so i mite have to dig them out too! an any1 know what you'd call - alan pullen - entertained? i'm fukking useless wi genres an stuff, i usually end up jus going into shops an sayin 'have you got anything that sounds like xxx' still, i suppose its better than when i used to go in an say 'have you got that 1 that goes *insert random noises that sound nothing like the actual track* an hardly ever getting the right tune!
older nukleuz stuff was sometimes quite techy as ken was always trying to press it on me.. bk - step away (endorphin mix) i think its called... my heads not all hear right now but can probs have a look thru some stuff and get bk2u2mrw!
cool... decided to stop buying trance an jus buy hh now, i can't afford to buy both cos i'm STILL at my overdraft limit. need some more funkier stuff for the start of my mixes tho... gonna dig thru my old stuff aswell, wasn't nuk purple techy? can't wait to get back to uni home where i can play music at a decent level and after 9pm!
if you want funky stuff for the start of a set i recomend karims funky stuff. funky but dirty (can really kick start a set)
Yeah, Guy McAffer does shitloads of techy stuff, although I'm not a big fan of techy hh at all. I've got some kind of techy nu nrg but dunno if it's your cup of tea - check out The Mexican & Girdler Synthetic - Mecha, awesome techy nrg tune.
mecha doesn't really do much for me, but i suppose i am listening to it thru my shitty laptop speakers on a sunday afternoon!
I can definitely see that mecha isn't to everyone's taste but I absolutely love; crank up the volume and listen to it!