Tune ID A one for all the House-Heads on the Board. Its a track Scott Bradford has been playing the last month or so at Shindig (He played it when he warmed up for both Roger Sanchez and Sasha) It has a Bass which sounds a little like Micheal Jackson 'Billie Jean' and contains the Lyrics 'Keep the Fire Burning' Its a typical Scott Bradford Vocally Progressive House Tune.... Jon, Allie, Anyone??
Hmmmm. not sure but could be Floorbangers - Floorbangers EP Medicine 8 have been caning it too - slight house / breaks cross over thing Check www.plasticfantastic.co.uk they have copies If it's the one that is. that's what I have had back.
I have absolutely no idea mate, sorry. The proggy thing aint my vibe. Will keep an eye (and ear) out though 'Rocking Music' does use that vocal mind, maybe it's a remix?
Re: Re: Re: Tune ID Don't worry, the search is over everyone its a whitelabel called 'Keep the fire burning' by unknown. Its on Plastic Fansatic but there sold out fucking awesome tune tho!