tune i made this is a tune a made a few months back learnt a bit more on producing since then here it is click
aye its good if its your 1st attempt. I would suggest maybe put some higher pitch noises and some floaty pad type chord sounds and work on a break down. what did you make it on, did yer use samples? :groovy:
well like jimmy said its pretty basic but by no means particularly poor. the percussion is nicely varied and pretty well set into the mix but thats all there is really apart from the bass. the bass sounds ok (has a rather MIKEish sound to it) but the random note changes leave it a little all over the place. changing the kick sample during a track is never a good idea really. like Adams said u should try to incorporate some sort of melody into it. maybe some harsh techy synth stabs with a brooding pad in the background.
brooding, ain't heard that word for a while, but yea drm pretty much sums it up some of the high ratings on this and the other tunes are a bit ott lol that reads back like im such a nob. keep at it, i wouldn't dare post some of my first efforts