Tunage!!!! Yoji's set last nite was banging!!!!, anybody member any of the tunes he dropped????? Banging globe, Ding a ling, Iguana ,Hardhouse raver, and that cheesy A1 tune.....TWICE!!!! :evil: Thats about all a can remember!!!!!
it was the yoji mix tho... oceanlab - beautiful together (signum mix) chakra - doors (space bros mix) iguana - yoji mix ding a ling A1 take on me theme from bangin globe cant remember what else....im sure che will put up loads of tunes he was playin....
, still carnt understand why he plays it!!!!, worst tune of the nite by far and as a said before he played two different remix's of it!!!!:evil: :evil:
Wasn't exactly an A1 remix, didn't use the vocal at all, so I'd say it's really an Aha remix. I rememebr standing on the balcony with you Broony, hearing it and thinking "This can't be a remix of 'Take On Me', I must be hearing things"! Still, Scot Project - Rock made up for it I spose
A Ha and A1 Both have lyrics ! Therefore its probs the more recent one being A1 ! A Ha was the original and the best - cant see why on earth anyone would want to remix that into a trance tune
i can remember it if it didnt have that aha tune in it would be fuckin amazin! the beat seemed hard as fuck!! but that was my opinion and in my state that night im not suprised if im thinkin of another tune! sorry!!
Tis, wish a hadnt heard it meself but the rest of his set was stuuupendis!!!!! just though of some more: Loving u - (isaac remix), Norman Bass - (Clap your hands)
Remember hearing someone play a Take On Me remix at Naughty a few weeks back. I think it might have been the first Naughty. Not sure.