TS-H943 DVD Firmware Hack for Xbox 360 Has anyone tried this yet?? has it worked? i'm kinda reluctant to try. http://www.xboxhacker.net/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=33&topic=779.0
i didn't get warranty with mine as i got it off someone who bought a few. still sdon't want to want to fuck it up though. def sdon't want it if it stops you going on live like xbox ones did
Re: TS-H943 DVD Firmware Hack for Xbox 360 Its class the progress there making like. If you think you can do this then go for it fella. You'll have to take into account that this was tried and tested on an xbox 360 which will probubly have a different regional code, you'll have to make sure you have the same DVD drive make & model. I found a guide HERE Let me know how you get on if you do decide to do it fella
Thta's what puts me off- I've def got the right dvd drive and the rest seesm strasightforward enough but all i can find about it is people that have done it with us/jap consoles. not that it should really make any difference but I'm gonna hang on dill I can get some confirmation it def works- I know a lot of the people that did dev for the 1st xbox are working on testing this so hopefully it should be soon