Try this… Right go out today at lunch or whenever, and buy a can of normal coke (diet if u like the rank aftertaste) and drink it whilst smoking a cig at the same time, obviously, don’t try pouring the coke in your mouth whilst the cigs in there too, but what taste do u get? Mud! I shit you not
Re: Try this… Thats why i try and avoid doing such things Although chewing gum and having a tab is rather nice!!!
But the worms mmmmmmm especially good when they ve been eating grit and mud, kinda slimey to begin with, but then u get the crunch in the middle
the best bit is actually hearing the worm burst in your mouth, thats when you know youve got a juicy little fella. cant beat worm juice running down your throat can you mate?
I dunno, slugs are juicier… heres an evil thing to try, I ve never done it myself, but this lad I know (I promise this is true) put a slug in his mouth, whilst at school, got all his mates to watch whilst he went up to a less-than-pretty girl, and pulled her, then whilst they were kissing, he slipped the slug into her mouth. he then threw up for the next 5 hours, but apparently it was worth it for the reaction, evil, funny and true
i can believe that mate. and i reckon throwing up for 10 hrs, not 5, would be worth it for the reaction you would get! that story has brightened up my day. evil, funny, true and by the sounds of it, a necessary thing to do. ha ha ha
JUST PLAIN WRONG yak :spangled: but funny, at the same time *makes mental note* oh to have better morals so i could look down on this kind of thing
Re: Re: Try this… but that increase's your chance's of getting cancer by allowing the carcinogens into your saliva glands more easily.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Try this… I read it. Can you read you ignorant fuck? and thats a quote from a film before you go all hormonal
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Try this… Dunno where i read it but i read it cause there is a very high rate of cancer in my family and its most probable that i am gonna get it one day so i may as well know a bit about it.
Well atleast smoking looks cool and gives you more friends and makes you more atractive to the opposite sex!!!!