Trance in Ibiza

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Congay, Sep 16, 2002.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Trance in Ibiza

    GodsKitchen was the only big trance night to do well on the island.

    The excellent Tunnel Trance force was popular in the early months but has been closing early for the past 4 weeks due to lack of numbers.

    Fudgement Sunday and Manumission have been plagued by beer boys and even targeted them to fill the nights.

    Next year only GK have plans to book Trance DJ's & put a night on in Ibiza again.

    The most succesful nights on the island (not including ManU or House nights etc.) where Cocoon & I Love Sunday's & Carl Cox @ Space. All played exclusive Techno except I Love Sundays who play some Prog.

    When shopping for CD's for the big clubs out there I noticed Amnesia & Space etc all have the First CD as "House" and the second CD was always "Techno"

    Is this the end of trance in mainstream clubs/clubbing?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    beefa had always been about house anyway hasnt it?
    it seems to me that now theres a more even spread of genres on the island....more techno with sven + cox doin their bit, trance @ GK + cream, then house everywhere else (not that ive been or owt! just what ive read)

    Trance is still alive and will always be there....clubland always has these little phases, doesnt it? to me it seems as if nothing ever dies out, or goes away, the genres just become more popular/mainstream for a bit, then they die back for a while.....

    maybe trance is just having a bit of a rest?
  4. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    where else did u go?
    what was the best night/club?
  5. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I love me Trance. Armin was great with a few mint new tunes but he like all other Trance DJ's are struggling to put sets out without loads of classics & remix's.

    The best night by far was Cocoon & I handnt even heard the DJ's before. Pascal FEOS & Marco Carolla

    Tunnel Trance Force was class as well. DJ Dean & DJ Bossi both VERY HARD PARP. They would be class for Promise.

    Best DJ I saw was Chris "EVIL" Liebing (I now know where Osama is hiding).

    Best Crowd: Cocoon...... Girls like techno too!! German birds have class ZZ-Top like techno dance!

    I didnt go to Cream but everyone said Tie$to was poor???

    Godsk was just like a english club. Canny good tho. Fergie has lost the plot tho? He played hard euro parp and even dropped Pornoground.
  6. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    :lol: :lol: @ fergie....he lost the plot a long time ago!

    read quite a bit on Caccoon and tunnel trance, they both sounded cool.....!

    it is true that trance DJs dont seem to be playing many new tunes. The really big DJs seem to be the ones who need to go and do some record shopping! heard a few bad reports about tiesto, but only cos hes been playing the same set for about 3 months. :lol:

    the smaller trance DJ's, like Matt Hardwick, seem to be the ones who play the newer tunes....

    armin does own some good new tunes, he plays em on his show, but the livesets ive got tracklistings for all seem to be very hes playing it safe or sommat.......or maybe the tunes are just sticking around for longer?

    Tiesto has remixed Gatex Mr know that?
  7. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    i agree with jon boy..... the beetha has always gone for the baleric house over any other genre of music generally...

    the onlee trance that does well over there is the stuff played by pearce and jools.....:rolleyes: :D
  8. Guest

    Never been to Cacoon but I heard it is absolutley amazing. Seen some nice footage on TV from there aswell.
  9. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Has he remixed it to girly trance? or IV GOT BIG BALLS TECHNO?
  10. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i dunno, i havent heard it yet. Just read that hes done a remix, and hes been playing it. its good apparently!.....but im not sure if that comment came from a trance or techno person......
  11. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Cocoon is the absolute DOGS.

    Everone else I was away with wanted to go to see John Kelly at Manumission *Coff* so I told em to fuck off (Inc. Whor Lass) and was going to go on me todd but I bumped into Spud (Ex-Promise massiff) and a few lads who are working out there and went with them.

    It was the best nights clubbing of my life. Hardly any English people in there. I didnt meet a single one. Just loads of mental Germans and Spanish. Cocoon Techno wasnt as hard as Liebing's... it was kinda electro funky??? fucking class!!!

    And the german birds man!! You gotta see them dance!! MINT!!!!

    The club was pitch black and the sound system the best Iv heard.... it was like walking into the club scene at the beginning of the film Blade.

    Does anyone know if theres a Cocoon in Germany?
  12. Guest

    Re: Trance in Ibiza

    avec espoir!

  13. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    :lol: :lol: :lol: blast from the past!

    i bump into him at strange places too....:lol: :lol:
  14. spooky

    spooky Registered User

    Nov 15, 2001
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    WaRd 21
    Where do u think I got all my skills from? :D Its in the genes! :p
  15. Ché

    Ché Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    For me, Tunnel Trance Force was the best night! Quality DJ's (DJ Bossi a.k.a Cosmic Gate and DJ Dean) and quality tunes. It wasn't like any English club I've been to... It was amazing. However it did close 1hr early due to lack of people (most of which were German).

    Godskitchen (with Marco V, Fergie, Armin and Dumonde) was a really good night also but unfortunately the majority of punters were beerboys. I enjoyed all the DJ's except Fergie (no suprise there).

    Slinky was a good nite aswell thanks to Rob Tissera. Lish Lashes was complete shite but the fact that rob came back on and did a 45 minute back to back sesion made up for it. Wasn't too busy and took a while to fill up but it seemed to have a good amosphere. Most punters again were the 'west end massive'. However it was a bit weird stending by the bar as most of the other people seemed to be from Sundiss North?!

    Still had a good time tho... going to Coastline, Bar M and Mambo cos I sawe Jules and Armin at Pre-Parties and these bars are open till 4am. So you can still go out without going clubbing... could this be one of the factors in small club turn outs?

    Trance however... Its going strong IMO! :

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